Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Deals, Coupon codes and Discount prices - GotApex?

dood... these laptops are cheap again. only 1100 for a dell 600m with 256 megs of ram. kinda low... but still prety good.
this is a test blog....

Friday, November 26, 2004

jstl expression language verses java scriplets

So tonight after eating a live turkey…


I decided to read my online book on my safari subscription about jstl. <br>


JSTL is pretty interesting… how often do we actually have a conflict between the html heads and the java heads?  I tend to think that most web programmers are pretty familiar with html,css, and can usually write up something that works in that medium.  I suppose for the artists and html folks they probably hate dealing with scriplets, or weird.<br><BR>



 For (in i = 0; i < countOfAllMyBigToes; i++) {





I think this code drives the html folks crazy… It drives me coworkers crazy too.



Side note…


Reasons for spicysquid.com


Tracking what I eat --- failed south beach diet

Improving my writing skills

Place to experiment with new technologies… the other spicysquid.com used an oracle database, with wl8.1 with entity beans for everything… too much for one person.

Selling spicysquid.com for a million dollars

So tonight after eating a live turkey…

I decided to read my online book on my safari subscription about jstl.

JSTL is pretty interesting… how often do we actually have a conflict between the html heads and the java heads? I tend to think that most web programmers are pretty familiar with html,css, and can usually write up something that works in that medium. I suppose for the artists and html folks they probably hate dealing with scriplets, or weird.


For (in i = 0; i <>




I think this code drives the html folks crazy… It drives me coworkers crazy too.

Side note…

Reasons for spicysquid.com

Tracking what I eat --- failed south beach diet

Improving my writing skills

Place to experiment with new technologies… the other spicysquid.com used an oracle database, with wl8.1 with entity beans for everything… too much for one person.

Selling spicysquid.com for a million dollars

what i ate today


¼ of a Turkey

2 leaves of Cabbage

10 pieces Sliced pork

1 slice of Tirumisu



Chicken feet

Black bean spareribs – best at mayflower

BBQ bun

Fried taro cake


2 bottles of water

Thursday, November 25, 2004

happy turkey day!

Hey Folks,


Happy tday!




Monday, November 08, 2004

inspiration story of monster cables owner


Friday, November 05, 2004

what i ate today


sugar free jello 2 cubes
soy mocha
whole bottle of water

burger american cheese

dinner to come....